Search Results: "Sandro Tosi"

21 November 2012

Sandro Tosi: Attending the Codecademy

You've probably already got it, I'm surveying several sites to improve programming skills. This episode is about Codecademy.

It's a very well done site, for people that want to learn a language. It has a Python track, along with several others: Ruby, JQuery, Javascript & so on.

You'll be required to actually write code and run it! yes, the code you write is then executed in a web "interpreter" (modified for educational purposes) and the output displayed on screen. In a section is also possible to write to files and have their contents shown on another tab.

I'd encourage you to start from it if you never saw Python and you're willing to learn if from the ground up.

18 November 2012

Sandro Tosi: Spending a Sunday on

I've played a bit with Project Euler but all of their problems are math-centric, which is nice but not exactly what I'm looking for: some real-world programming problems to get back into the coding field.

So asking my friend Google, I found CodingBat: it has a Python section with several tasks to complete. I must say they are some kinda trivial to solve, once you know some idiomatic Python code, but some are a bit more interesting. If you're a junior Python coder, or want to get a grip on the language, give it a look.

Oh, and if you know some website that would give me some real-world programming coding problems (something that would be useful on the job, not just coding for fun), I would love to hear you.

14 November 2012

Sandro Tosi: Project Euler - Problem 4

Here's my solution to Project Euler problem 4:

# handy function to check if a number is palindrome
def is_palindrome(i):
    return str(i) == str(i)[::-1]
# what's the max?
max_p = 0
# multiply all numbers  i  between 100 and 998, with all between i+1 and 999
for i in xrange(100, 999):
    for j in xrange(i+1, 1000):
        p = i * j
        if is_palindrome(p) and p > max_p:
            max_p = p
print max_p

Comments are welcome.

Update: fixed as per Alex comment.

Sandro Tosi: Project Euler - Problem 6

Here's my solution to Project Euler problem 6:

# where the numbers list ends
n = 100
# handy function to square a number
pow2 = lambda x: pow(x, 2)
# first compute the sum of the squares
sumsq = sum(map(pow2, range(1, n+1)))
# then the square of the sum
sqsum = pow2(sum(range(1, n+1)))
print sqsum - sumsq

28 October 2012

Sandro Tosi: Start a MySQL instance to run Debian package build-time tests

I'm the maintainer of MySQL Connector/Python Debian package, and it's shipped with several unittests, but they require a MySQL instance to be run against, so up to know I wasn't able to run them at build-time.

But I want to change that, so I wanted to find a way to spawn a MySQL instance just for testing purposes. I've searched a lot, and then found a package solving the same problem: php5.

The package has a script that takes care of starting/stopping the instances, and debian/rules file sets up instance parameters and then it starts the instance before the tests and then stops it after them.

It's a very interesting solution, so I thought of sharing + taking notes to self, just in case I need it in other situations.

3 June 2012

Sandro Tosi: How to migrate your entire Google account to a new one

I've been using a Google account since years, but having a "more serious" one along. The time has come to make the switch and elect the other as main one.

Google has a lot of services, and I'm using several of them, so changing the main account requires to migrate data of those services to the new account, given it's not possible to merge two accounts. To know the full list of services your account is signed in, go to your Account Product page. Some migrations are easy, others hell no: so I'm writing this post to keep track of the migration as it's going on.

First of all, there's a really good post about this migration at LifeHacker: it contains a lot of info I'm using here, but not all the services I need. Additionally, Google has a list of services and methods to migrate from one account to another.

Just to be generic, I'll call AccountSRC the original account and AccountDST the one I want to migrate to.

Migrate GMail

GMail is probably the most important service I have, and also the most difficult one to migrate. I have a lot of filters, so the first step is to migrate them:
  1. Login into GMail for AccountSRC
  2. Gear icon > Settings > Labs
  3. Enable the "Filter import/export" plugin
  4. Reload GMail to enable the plugin (if not done automatically)
  5. Gear icon > Settings > Filters
  6. At the bottom of the page, Select all
  7. Export: this will download an XML file with the filters in it
  8. Login into GMail for AccountDST
  9. Enable "Filter import/export" plugin
  10. Load the file containing the saved filters
  11. Import all (or select which one) filters; this will also create automatically the labels defined in the filters.
I currently have a forward rule from AccountDST to AccountSRC: so let's revert the forward direction: from AccountSRC to AccountDST. This will allow the new account to receive the mails sent to the old one.
  1. Login into GMail for AccountDST
  2. Gear icon > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > Disable forwarding: this will stop redirecting mails from AccountDST to AccountSRC
  3. Login into GMail for AccountSRC
  4. Gear icon > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > add a forwarding address
  5. Enter AccountDST as the address to forward mails to
  6. A verification code is sent to AccountDST and you'll need to enter that code in AccountSRC to verify you have access to both mailboxes
  7. Once verified, select "Forward a copy of incoming mail to" to AccountDST and to delete the GMail copy on AccountSRC
There's no automatic way to migrate all your settings from the old GMail account to the new one, so you'll have to comparing settings pages to set what you had before to AccountDST. I suggest to first enable the labs you have on AccountSRC, and then go thru every page and report the configurations.

Did I forget something? yes, the hardest part: migrate mails! There are a lot of guides about migrating mails, the way I prefer is thru IMAP and Thunderbird (as described here): you'll move IMAP folders, and since they are equivalent to GMail labels, you'll automatically get your email with the correct labels (yes, the same mail appears in several folders, one for each label, and moving an email from one folder will not remove it from all the others).
  1. Enable IMAP access on both AccountSRC and AccountDST
  2. Open Thunderbird (or Icedove if you're on Debian like me) and register both accounts
  3. You can now start moving folders/emails from AccountSRC to AccountDST
    1. Copying a (missing) folder, will automatically create a label with the same name
    2. Moving a mail from the same folders on the two accounts will add the label called with the name of the folder to that email
  4. Be ready, it's a LOOOOONG process, but it's safe and it guarantees a perfect result
With the method above you have all the labels you had before, but not the label colors (and I have a lot :( ).

Another tool that's would be interesting to evaluate for this task is Gmvault.

Migrate Contacts

Contacts are available inside GMail:
  1. Login into GMail for AccountSRC
  2. On the combobox on top-left, select Contacts
  3. More > Export
  4. Export all the contacts in Google CSV, since it's specific to be re-imported
  5. Login into GMail for AccountDST
  6. Contacts > More > Import
  7. Select the previously saved file and import it

Migrate Reader

Migrating Reader subscriptions is easy:
  1. Login into Reader for AccountSRC
  2. Reader Settings -> Import/export
  3. Export your subscriptions in OPML format
  4. Now login into Reader for AccountDST
  5. Reader Settings -> Import/export
  6. And import the saved OPML file
Sadly, that doesn't migrate your starred items, but there's a (long & manual) solution here.

Migrate Blogger

Login to Blogger for AccountSRC; then, for each blog you have there do this dance:
  1. Select the blog
  2. Go into Settings > Permissions
  3. Add AccountDST as a new author: this will send an email to AccountDST GMail account
  4. Accept the invitation (this will ask you to create a new Blogger account for AccountDST if you don't already have one)
  5. Go back to to Blogger with AccountSRC
  6. Blog > Settings > Permissions
  7. Grand admin rights to AccountDST
At this point, both AccountSRC and AccountDST have admin rights; you can leave it as it is, or remove AccountSRC and so only AccountDST will be the admin (other shares should be kept unchanged). The same procedure is described in this Google support answer.

What can't be migrated as easily are all the profile settings you've done on AccountSRC. So profile information, blogs followed and so on have to be migrated by hand: boring but they are just few things, doable in a bunch of minutes.

Migrate Android phone

Android phones require a primary Google account to work, and of course my phone uses AccountSRC. Several sources say the only way to change primary account is to factory reset the phone. But since new market app supports multiple accounts and Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) not longer needs a primary account, I just waited for the update to ICS to come.

What you really need to do is to add a new account, AccountDST, to Settings > Account & Sync, and all the Google apps on the phone will be able to use the new account (you might need to select what to sync, and the new account from inside each app).

Migrate Calendar

Even with Calendar the settings will have to be migrated by hand: they are just in one page, so just keep two windows opened and keep switching to sync them. The calendars are easy to move over: for the main calendar:
  1. Login into Calendars for AccountSRC
  2. Go into Settings > Calendars tab
  3. Select export calendars: this will download an archive of your calendars in a zip file; you will need to extract all the ics files from that zip archive so you'll have the main calendar readily available
  4. Login into Calendars for AccountDST
  5. Settings > Calendars tab
  6. Import the main calendar
for the other calendars you can do this way:
  1. Login into Calendars for AccountSRC
  2. Settings > Calendars tab
  3. Share the calendar with AccountDST and give it "Make changes AND manage sharing" right - the new account will have full control over that calendar

Migrate Docs

The procedure to migrate documents in Google Docs (now Google Drive) is described here, and it boils down to:
  1. Login into Docs for AccountSRC
  2. Select all the documents
  3. Share them with AccountDST
  4. In the same window select AccountDST as "is owner"
and you've got all the docs as owned by the new account.

Migrate Groups

There's no way to migrate all your Groups subscriptions from one account to another (if not playing with alternate email address, but it was too risky to try it), so you'll have to migrate all of them by hand.

On the other hand, if you've created some groups, that's possible to move them to the new account:
  1. Login into Groups for AccountSRC
  2. Enter in the "manage" area for the groups you've created
  3. Manage members > Invite members
  4. Invite AccountDST
  5. Accept the invitation, clicking on the email sent to AccountDST account
  6. Go back into AccountSRC manage area
  7. Select the AccountDST account
  8. Edit the subscription and set "Membership type" to "owner": now AccountDST is the owner of the list

Migrate Analytics

The process to migrate the account on Google Analytics is similar to Groups:
  1. Login into Analytics for AccountSRC
  2. Select Admin on top-right, then for each account you have
  3. Select the account, select "Users" tab, click on "+ New User"
  4. Enter AccountDST into the "Email Address" field and give that account the "Administrator" role
  5. Save
  6. Now AccountDST is able to access the same data on Analytics as AccountSRC

Migrate Picasa

To transfer your whole Picasa account follow these steps (as also described in this support post):
  1. Login into Picasa for AccountSRC
  2. Click on the gear on top-right > Photo Settings > Privacy and permissions
  3. On the "Migrate account" line click on "Migrate my photos"
  4. Insert AccountDST into the box for destination address
  5. In case you're using picasa to store blogger photos, also select the tick below
  6. At this point, AccountSRC will receive an email: copy the link in a session where you've logged in as AccountDST and then visit the page: that will start the process
  7. Wait until the transfer is completed: you'll receive an email to AccountDST when it's done

Migrate Google+

I'm not exactly a heavy user of G+ but I have some circles I'd like to move over (also because Reader sharing now works with G+ and it's a feature I user a lot), this is a process to move circles and contacts; as stated there, there's no way to move shared items and stuff (sad!).

Migrate AdSense

It's not possible to migrate the current AdSense account: you have to register a new one. When you do, it's possible that Google notice the new account is for the same person of the first one, and will ask to close the old account on AdSense in favor of the new one.

Migrate Alert

Alerts allows to export the list of alerts you've created but it's not possible to import that list in another Google account, so you'll have to recreate them from scratch (I had just a few so it was a matter of 1 minute or so).

Migrate Zoho Notebook

If you still miss Google Notebook (why big-G you let it die? couldn't you open-sourced it? it was so awesome! anyway...), you probably know that there are two main alternatives to it: Evernote and Zoho Notebook. I decided to go with Zoho (I'm not entirely happy with it, but it's running for now), and given it allows to login with Google account, it was currently using AccountSRC, so I need to migrate that too:
  1. Login into Zoho Notebook for AccountSRC
  2. My Account > Profile > Email address
  3. "Add new email" and add AccountDST, it will send a confirmation email
  4. Then "Make Primary" on AccountDST, so now the new account can login into Zoho notebook with the Google info and have all the notes there.

Migrate Bookmarks

Google provides a guide to migrate Bookmarks from one account to another that basically is:
  1. Login into Bookmarks for AccountSRC
  2. Click on Export bookmarks and it will save an HTML file with the bookmarks in it
  3. Import the file in a browser
  4. Use the Google toolbar to import in into AccountDST
That's kinda ugly way, but it seems to work.

Re-enable Web History

If you used History, then you need to re-enable it on the new account:
  1. Login into History for AccountDST
  2. Click on "Turn Web History on" to enable Web History on the new account
but it seems to be impossible to export/import or migrate the history from one account to another, that's a shame: years and years of stats lost.

Migrate Books

Books doesn't allow to migrate the contents between accounts, so you'll have to do it by hand:
  1. Select one book from AccountSRC, copying its link
  2. Go to AccountDST and navigate to the copied link
  3. Add the book to the right category, as it was before.

Migrate Webmaster Tools

Google released a document that describes how to migrate to another account; it's similar to Analytics and Groups migration.

In addition to that, you might also want to become an owner, that will give full control on the sites.

Did I forget some services? Let me know!

Everyone has a different experience with Google products, so in case you want me to let know how you migrated from one account to another for a product I didn't mentioned, just leave a comment and I'll edit the post (to be as complete as possible).

14 April 2012

Sandro Tosi: Mercurial: what's the tag containing this changeset?

In software development, you often need to know: when was this feature released? in which releases was this changeset included?

Typical example is: you're debugging a problem, you find out what's the changeset introducing it, now you want to know when that changeset was firstly released (i.e. included in a tag) - how to do that?

hg log -r "cset:: and tag()"

where cset is the changeset you're looking for.

So know I know that Sphinx new way to load searchindex.js was introduced in the this changeset, and released for the first time in 1.0b2:

$ hg log -r "423faa03c908:: and tag()"
changeset: 2261:b494009dccf1
tag: 1.0b2
user: Georg Brandl <>
date: Sun May 30 19:52:08 2010 +0200
summary: Release preparation for 1.0b2.


PS: why did I need to know that? because Matplotlib is still using the old way, but Debian needs the new one.

29 March 2012

Carl Chenet: Debian developer

I received the email yesterday and was like wow, I m in . I would like to thank: Sorry for the other readers who will find this post boring, but it means a lot to me :)

1 December 2011

Sandro Tosi: Get the lines unique on the first field(s)

uniq is a great tool, since it returns the unique (adjacent) lines of the given input. But it has a limitation: it can't check for uniqueness only the first N fields (while it allows to ignore them, weird).

So, what to do if you have a long file, and lines with several fields, but you're only interested in getting the line with the different first 2 field (but all the rest of the line content? awk to the rescue!

$ awk '!x[$1]++' file

will print the (complete) lines of file that has the first field unique. You can set $1$2 to have lines unique on the first 2 fields, and so on. Thanks to this forum post, but there's some other interesting articles.

3 November 2011

Sandro Tosi: Print a NUL-terminated string with awk

I thought it would have been easier to print a NUL-terminated string in awk (mawk as it's the default in Debian), but after some trial-and-fail I was able to come up with this kinda ugly solution:

$ echo -e "123\n456" awk 'BEGIN ORS="" print $0 ; printf("%c", "") ' xargs -n1 -0 echo


There's really no better way to do that?

Sandro Tosi: Trick of today: find -daystart

What to get the files older than today? Run

find /path/ -type f -daystart -mtime +0

it will return only the files older than today, no matter the time the command is executed (by default, -mtime counts multiples of 24 hours from now). Kinda nice when you want to archive yesterday log files.

11 August 2011

Sandro Tosi: Mercurial: how to completely remove a named branch

I like so much the git feature branch workflow, that in the early days of development on Python with Mercurial I created some named branches; well, that is something you should not do.

In Mercurial, the changeset contains the branch name, so you cannot develop on a separated (named) branch and then merge on default and hope that branch goes away, because it will stay.

What do I do now? Python Mercurial repository is quite big (around 200Megs) so I wanted to avoid to re-check it out. Thanks to the help of the folks on #mercurial (on freenode IRC network) I found my solution: strip the branch!

Please note that strip is dangerous. Use it only as last resort, and mind you can lose data with it. That said, it's a very powerful tool :) My main aim was to remove completely those named branches, leave no traces, and lose the changes I made on them. Another important aspect is that I didn't merged those branches on default.

So, how to get rid of a named branch:

$ hg strip "branch($ BRANCHNAME )"

and re-iterate for all the branches you have, that's it. Now, to be completely sure they were removed and no spurious changes are in the repository, you can:

$ hg pull -u
$ hg outgoing

and if it says "no changes found" you're sure that those branches are really gone.

1 August 2011

Sandro Tosi: And what am I now? A Python Core Developer!

Yeah, since a couple of hours I'm officially a Python Core Developer (and this confirms it, so I'm not dreaming!)

I'm now in that mixed state in between the happiness and the fear I'll do stupid mistakes and I'll be ashamed of myself. But hey, it's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.

Interesting days ahead, a lot of procedures to learn and get used to, hopefully also a lot of bugs fixed :) That's for sure, I'll go step by step, following the better be safe than sorry rule.

At the end, I'd like to thank all the people at Python that made this possible, they are quite a number, so if I'd named them, I surely forgot someone, and it would be unfair! So well, you know who you are, and this big THANK YOU is yours :)

10 July 2011

Christian Perrier: 33094 spam posts removed from Debian mailing lists in two years

Debian mailing lists' standard policy is to allow posts from unsubscribed users. That of course fits our standards for opened development but has the drawback of allowing a lot of spam to reach our mailing lists. This spam also clutters the mailing lists archives. Since 2009, a working system allows removing spam from the mailing list archives. Today, I would like to put some light on the results of this system : Results are impressive for mailing lists where a coordinated effort is done over time: the debian-boot mailing list (first coorindated effort, initiated by regretted Frans Pop), the Italian and French mailing lists. You want to help? You can. Reporting spam is as easy as reading Debian mailing lists. When you see a mail that you consider being a spam mail, just bounce it to report-listspam at lists dot debian dotte org. Don't forward it, you need to bounce it ("b" keyboard shortcut in mutt). Alternatively, you can check for this message on Debian mailing lists archives and hit the "Report as spam" button. If you're a Debian developer, you can help in reviewing nominated spam. It takes me about 20 minutes every week. Go to the spam review home page and register for an account there. Then, you'll be able to process through nominated posts. Once a given post is confirmed as spam by at least 3 reviewers with nobody else reporting it as "ham", it is removed the next week from the archive. Feel free to join the game and be part of the Debian moppers team!

15 June 2011

Sandro Tosi: Read multiple variables from stdin in a bash script

I procrastinated to look up this for such a long time.. today was enough. What I want to achieve is reading a line from stdin and split it among several variables, naively I'd do:

$ echo "A BB CCC" read a b c
$ echo $a $b $c

(no output.) As well explained here the above code doesn't work, but this one does:

$ read a b c < <(echo "A BB CCC")
$ echo $a $b $c

as a hint, <(cmds) is called process substitution.

18 May 2011

Sandro Tosi: I'm going to EuroPython 2011

I just got confirmation my company will sponsor me for EuroPython 2011 (thanks, so I'll be able to attend the whole week; a lot of amazing talks and the code sprints in the weekend: this is going to be a great time!

Are you coming?

11 April 2011

Sandro Tosi: Python: group a list in sub-lists of n items

A long list, and you want to process its items n at a time; easy, but how to split that list in sublists of n elements (except the last one, of course)?

I looked a bit into the stdlib but it doesn't seem to exist anything I could use (oh, did I say I'm still on 2.4?) so I directed my research to Google, and found a nice recipe at ActiveState, but it has the problem it discards the last list, if it has less than n items.

Searching again, I got more lucky with this article: it's a generator of tuples from a list, splitting every n elements and optionally return the last semi-full tuple. I slightly modified it to obtain:

def group_iter(iterator, n=2):
""" Given an iterator, it returns sub-lists made of n items
(except the last that can have len < n)
inspired by"""
accumulator = []
for item in iterator:
if len(accumulator) == n: # tested as fast as separate counter
yield accumulator
accumulator = [] # tested faster than accumulator[:] = []
# and tested as fast as re-using one list object
if len(accumulator) != 0:
yield accumulator

How would you have done it?

2 March 2011

Sandro Tosi: MySQL master/slave chain

Have you ever needed to create a MySQL databases replication chain like A->B->C where B is slave of A and master of C? Me neither, until yesterday.

Since it took us about an afternoon to make it works (along with our DBAs, so we're not alone ;)) let's share some knowledge.

A very brief recap of how MySQL replication works:

  1. slave I/O thread connects to the master, gets the new information from the binlog files and stores them in the relay log;
  2. slave SQL thread reads the relay log and applies the changes to the slave database, without changing the slave binlog files.
That said, B replicates correctly from A, but C is unable to replicate from B because B doesn't change its binlog files with updates coming from A, because there's no changes done directly on B.

In order to make the chain works, you need to add the parameter log-slave-updates on B configuration: that will reply the changes from relay log to binlog, and so C will see the changes it needs to correctly replicate.

PS: mysqldump --master-data (executed on the slave server against the master) would help you set up the correct information for replication.

27 February 2011

Sandro Tosi: FTWCA Shani

As you probably know, Shani is our pet hedgehog. We finally managed to setup a blog just for her (sorry, it's in italian only), and also we uploaded tons of her photos.

You don't remember her? Here's a cute reminder:

21 January 2011

Sandro Tosi: EuroPython 2011 @ Florence, IT - it's coming!

Just when I was looking for a contact email to ask news about EuroPython 2011 dates... I noticed they are already there!! June 19 to 26 !

Book your flights, reserve your vacations, hope to see you all there!

PS: this year, PyCon Italia joins EuroPython in a single conference - the bigger the funnier

